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送交者: mean 2009月03月12日10:00:05 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 對話猶太教天嬰 於 2009-03-12 08:15:01
on what your purpose is in your dialogue.

At large, for the sake of world peace, inter-religious dialogue is better than pure hatred, yes. That needs your participation but much more than your participation. However, keep in mind, that's not the purpose of our faith, is it?

So if your purpose is to get to know another faith and respect other peoples' faiths as they are, then your dialogue isn't really worth much in the next world; if your purpose is to spread the gospel to them, then God bless you.
  dialogue brings peace. - 克己復禮 03/12/09 (366)
    耶穌也這樣教導: - 誠之 03/13/09 (410)
      你也搞蛇種論啦? 嘿黑。  /無內容 - 克己復禮 03/13/09 (314)
        這是神對世界的救贖計劃的一部分。 - 誠之 03/14/09 (242)
        抄一段猶太聖經是如何解釋亞伯和該隱的 - 天嬰 03/13/09 (228)
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