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Angry-youth logic
送交者: caleb 2009月04月14日19:40:15 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 我也提上来跟贴candle 于 2009-04-14 19:30:05
19:4 [hgb] 耶 稣 回 答 说 , 那 起 初 造 人 的 , 是 造 男 造 女 ,
[kjv] And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
[bbe] And he said in answer, Have you not seen in the Writings, that he who made them at the first made them male and female, and said,
19:5 [hgb] 并 且 说 , 因 此 , 人 要 离 开 父 母 , 与 妻 子 连 合 , 二 人 成 为 一 体 。 这 经 你 们 没 有 念 过 吗 ?
[kjv] And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
[bbe] For this cause will a man go away from his father and mother, and be joined to his wife; and the two will become one flesh?
19:6 [hgb] 既 然 如 此 , 夫 妻 不 再 是 两 个 人 , 乃 是 一 体 的 了 。 所 以 神 配 合 的 , 人 不 可 分 开 。
[kjv] Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
[bbe] So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Then let not that which has been joined by God be parted by man.

19:8 [hgb] 耶 稣 说 , 摩 西 因 为 你 们 的 心 硬 , 所 以 许 你 们 休 妻 。 但 起 初 并 不 是 这 样 。
[kjv] He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.
[bbe] He says to them, Moses, because of your hard hearts, let you put away your wives: but it has not been so from the first.
19:9 [hgb] 我 告 诉 你 们 , 凡 休 妻 另 娶 的 , 若 不 是 为 淫 乱 的 缘 故 , 就 是 犯 奸 淫 了 , 有 人 娶 那 被 休 的 妇 人 , 也 是 犯 奸 淫 了 。
[kjv] And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.
[bbe] And I say to you, Whoever puts away his wife for any other cause than the loss of her virtue, and takes another, is a false husband: and he who takes her as his wife when she is put away, is no true husband to her.
    That is Jesus's definition - caleb 04/14/09 (290)
      所以啊,你就别一边帮淫棍再婚包罪,一边又念这 - candle 04/14/09 (276)
        It is your choice to curse - caleb 04/14/09 (232)
          我不CURSE,他选的CURSE,圣经明言我活着,他就在淫罪 - candle 04/14/09 (233)
            圣经明言,他的罪在信主的一刻就已被永远赦免了  /无内容 - caleb 04/14/09 (274)
              你是有点浆糊 - mean 04/15/09 (262)
                我若不饶恕,我为他得救的祷告就不蒙垂听 - candle 04/15/09 (254)
                  你做的已经已经比我好太多了 - mean 04/15/09 (249)
                    埋怨不忘却不是问题,那毕竟是你曾经的生命过程 - candle 04/15/09 (246)
              对,抽大烟的也甭戒了,赦免了么,还罪个屁 - candle 04/14/09 (278)
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