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送交者: 谨守 2023月12月19日08:03:04 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 林慈信的“真理(教义)”就是中文圈教义崇拜的始作俑者nngzh 于 2023-12-18 10:44:08

Sound in Doctrine

Titus 1:7 described elders as “overseers,” pointing out the authority committed to them to rule the church in Christ’s name and by his Word. If there is a danger that guardians would fail to keep watch against error, then it is essential that these watchmen themselves be sound in doctrine. The word for “doctrine” is simply “teaching” (Greek: didaskalia). It informs us that there is a body of truth taught by the prophets and apostles and recorded in Scripture. The gospel consists not merely of sentiments and ideals but of truths that can be taught and learned by Christians. Since Paul emphasizes “the trustworthy word” (Titus 1:9), there must be an unfaithful contrast; since Paul calls for sound doctrine, there is obviously unsound teaching that must be opposed.


提多 1:7 将长老描述督”,指出他予奉基督的名和话语治理教会柄。如果存在监护人无法警惕错误的危么这监护人本身就必教义上保持健全和合本译作纯正”) 教义doctrine这个词就是“教导teaching”(希腊didaskalia)。有一套由先知和使徒教导并记录圣经中的。福音不包含情感理想包含基督徒可以教导学习然保道是可信的”(多 1:9,和合本译作“真实的道理),那必然存在着不忠然保呼吁健全的(正的)教义就必正的教义

    基督徒可以教导和学习的真理。  /无内容 - 谨守 12/19/23 (7336)
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