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送交者: oldfish 2020年12月10日08:01:10 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話



Secondly, The powerful remedy provided against this fatal malady. The case of poor sinners is deplorable; but is it desperate? Thanks be to God, it is not; there is balm in Gilead. The Son of man is lifted up, as the serpent of brass was by Moses, which cured the stung Israelites. 1. It was a serpent of brass that cured them. Brass is bright; we read of Christ's feet shining like brass, Rev_1:15. It is durable; Christ is the same. It was made in the shape of a fiery serpent, and yet had no poison, no sting, fitly representing Christ, who was made sin for us and yet knew no sin; was made in the likeness of sinful flesh and yet not sinful; as harmless as a serpent of brass. The serpent was a cursed creature; Christ was made a curse. That which cured them reminded them of their plague; so in Christ sin is set before us most fiery and formidable. 2. It was lifted up upon a pole, and so must the Son of man be lifted up; thus it behoved him, Luk_24:26, Luk_24:46. No remedy now. Christ is lifted up, (1.) In his crucifixion. He was lifted up upon the cross. His death is called his being lifted up, Joh_12:32, Joh_12:33. He was lifted up as a spectacle, as a mark, lifted up between heaven and earth, as if he had been unworthy of either and abandoned by both. (2.) In his exaltation. He was lifted up to the Father's right hand, to give repentance and remission; he was lifted up to the cross, to be further lifted up to the crown. (3.) In the publishing and preaching of his everlasting gospel, Rev_14:6. The serpent was lifted up that all the thousands of Israel might see it. Christ in the gospel is exhibited to us, evidently set forth; Christ is lifted up as an ensign, Isa_11:10. 3. It was lifted up by Moses. Christ was made under the law of Moses, and Moses testified of him. 4. Being thus lifted up, it was appointed for the cure of those that were bitten by fiery serpents. He that sent the plague provided the remedy. None could redeem and save us but he whose justice had condemned us. It was God himself that found the ransom, and the efficacy of it depends upon his appointment. The fiery serpents were sent to punish them for their tempting Christ (so the apostle saith, 1Co_10:9), and yet they were healed by virtue derived from him. He whom we have offended is our peace.


Christ is the same. It was made in the shape of a fiery serpent, and yet had no poison, no sting, fitly representing Christ, who was made sin for us and yet knew no sin; was made in the likeness of sinful flesh and yet not sinful; as harmless as a serpent of brass.







    雙重預定論哦! - oldfish 12/10/20 (79)
    陰間沒有第三個所在 - repentant 12/10/20 (61)
    末後第一次的審判 - repentant 12/10/20 (80)
      做王,就有審判權。這裡的做王和審判是一體的。 - repentant 12/10/20 (77)
    耶穌死後第一站是陰間。 - repentant 12/10/20 (77)
    信徒死後去的陰間也是光明所。 - repentant 12/10/20 (63)
      活着的信徒在世上是有試煉考驗的。 - repentant 12/10/20 (62)
    誰告訴你第2次復活的信徒在補課了?? - repentant 12/10/20 (70)
      肯定有經文,就是暫不告訴你 - 克利西亞 12/10/20 (74)
        我們看悔改哥怎麼砍奧古斯丁。。。。嘻嘻  /無內容 - oldfish 12/11/20 (57)
        我來給你證明吧:) - repentant 12/10/20 (68)
    所謂補課論,純屬穿鑿附會的腦補。 - repentant 12/10/20 (76)
    還有你們的"成神論",人神"調和論"。異端過頭了!  /無內容 - repentant 12/10/20 (62)
      十誡不讓拜一切偶像。包括代表神的偶像。 - repentant 12/10/20 (61)
      偶像是有靈的,銅蛇也有靈。都是邪靈。 - repentant 12/10/20 (79)
      克兄原文說耶穌取了蛇的形狀。同樣不對。 - repentant 12/10/20 (76)
        不同你玩了 - 俺要繼續上路去  /無內容 - 克利西亞 12/10/20 (71)
          走正路,別走邪路。謝謝。  /無內容 - repentant 12/10/20 (80)
      魔鬼是墮落的天使,超越聖經了嗎 - 克利西亞 12/10/20 (75)
      問題的關鍵 - oldfish 12/11/20 (59)
      我納悶了,你那隻眼睛看到主耶穌受死以蛇的形狀? - 追求永生 12/10/20 (100)
        謝謝🙏追兄 - 克利西亞 12/10/20 (82)
      說過了,耶穌是罪人的形狀。你已經超越了聖經。  /無內容 - repentant 12/10/20 (78)
        請見樓下回答:  /無內容 - 克利西亞 12/10/20 (74)
      同意嗎  /無內容 - 克利西亞 12/10/20 (70)
    重申: 說耶穌是蛇的形狀,完全是褻瀆! - repentant 12/10/20 (91)
      重申:說我是大白鯊,是褻瀆我!阿門! - oldfish 12/10/20 (90)
    耶穌不是銅蛇,那麼就不是蛇的形狀。多簡單!  /無內容 - repentant 12/10/20 (78)
      我是大白鯊,所以我有大白鯊的形狀和樣式!阿門!  /無內容 - oldfish 12/10/20 (73)
        打臉! 你是蛇的形狀。😁  /無內容 - repentant 12/10/20 (65)
          是的!這點我承認! - oldfish 12/10/20 (60)
            改稱老蛇吧😁  /無內容 - repentant 12/10/20 (59)
              我是罪人/老蛇,蒙主恩!榮耀歸神!  /無內容 - oldfish 12/10/20 (58)
    如果耶穌是銅蛇,那麼老魚就是大鳥了嘛。  /無內容 - repentant 12/10/20 (98)
      我是大鯊魚!大鯊魚是我!:P  /無內容 - oldfish 12/10/20 (87)
        這是直喻,哈哈。  /無內容 - 追求永生 12/10/20 (68)
        所以,我『一定』是住在海裡!  /無內容 - oldfish 12/10/20 (79)
          過度靈意解釋,就是認為你真的是一條魚 - 追求永生 12/10/20 (66)
            大白鯊魚,不是嗎  /無內容 - 克利西亞 12/10/20 (73)
              放你進入深海八天,你就知道你是魚是人了。多簡單的道理。😀  /無內容 - 追求永生 12/10/20 (58)
    無語!您開心就好!  /無內容 - oldfish 12/10/20 (59)
  說耶穌是蛇的形狀,完全是褻瀆。 - repentant 12/10/20 (75)
    澄清:悔改哥的『原話』是 - oldfish 12/10/20 (77)
      耶穌是蛇的形狀=用蛇的形狀指代耶穌,褻瀆!👈 - repentant 12/10/20 (89)
        原文:有點長,請耐心從頭讀完,再發言!謝謝🙏 - 克利西亞 12/10/20 (87)
    呵呵,講不出東西了。再重複口號。 - oldfish 12/10/20 (62)
      歡迎罵Gill和馬太亨利。加油!  /無內容 - oldfish 12/10/20 (79)
        他們當然正確了,是你們錯了😁  /無內容 - repentant 12/10/20 (74)
          悔改哥天下無敵!阿門! - oldfish 12/10/20 (79)
            聖經從未說耶穌是蛇的形狀。你們太聰明了😁  /無內容 - repentant 12/10/20 (73)
              送給您一節舊約“銅蛇”經文 民21:9 摩西便製造 - 克利西亞 12/10/20 (104)
                這個是正宗的解經結論,不再重複那個過程,這樣能避免很多麻煩。 - 追求永生 12/10/20 (71)
                正如您說,舊約是影兒,新約是實際 - 克利西亞 12/10/20 (69)
              你拼命『食言』小心『肥死』  /無內容 - oldfish 12/10/20 (60)
    所以,我用你的名字也沒錯 - oldfish 12/10/20 (90)
      我可以認為這是你對我點讚嗎?基本信仰不應該變是吧。  /無內容 - 追求永生 12/10/20 (77)
    多讀書吧! - oldfish 12/10/20 (103)
        歡迎證明啊! - oldfish 12/10/20 (69)
  覺得兩個應該夠了吧?! - oldfish 12/10/20 (87)
    悔改哥已經徹底偏頭痛了 - 克利西亞 12/10/20 (86)
      看來,在非常努力的『賴皮』中。。。 - oldfish 12/10/20 (70)
        你長兄代父,修理修理枝子,他是相信耶穌 - 克利西亞 12/10/20 (77)
          還在狡辯! 童女被關在門外,耶穌不認他們。你說成補課。 - repentant 12/10/20 (70)
            否定『因信稱義』哦?是不是異端餒?  /無內容 - oldfish 12/11/20 (39)
          人有自由意志的 - oldfish 12/10/20 (109)
      看來,正在『非常努力』的悔改中。。。。 - oldfish 12/10/20 (71)
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