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Thanks. What's your view on China's economy?
送交者: egghead1 2008月06月29日17:55:09 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Zhou: Expect Inflation To Slow A Little In Summer(ZT)枯木朽株 于 2008-06-29 07:40:11
I know some Chinese overseas are very skeptical of the Chinese government and think the China economy will have a hard time. I am more optimistic about it. I think we will have some trouble. But the long term growth story will remain intact.
  几点看法 - 枯木朽株 06/30/08 (182)
    Thanks.  /无内容 - egghead1 06/30/08 (118)
  CEO! I like CEO better than PTR or SNP:-) /无内容 - 小寒* 06/29/08 (229)
    you are always so patriotic. I like that. :-) - egghead1 06/30/08 (219)
      Thank you! I have faith. :-) - 小寒* 06/30/08 (208)
        这次熊市很特别, - 枯木朽株 06/30/08 (162)
          yes, indeed. I feel the time has not - egghead1 06/30/08 (138)
        :-) I wish I had your ability to pick winners in bear markets. - egghead1 06/30/08 (177)
          :-) This is my first year really paying - 小寒* 06/30/08 (242)
            as always, thank you. :-) although - egghead1 06/30/08 (230)
              I only know El Paso Energy has - 小寒* 06/30/08 (187)
                Thank you. You are unbelievably nice. :-) - egghead1 06/30/08 (153)
                  Now I am embarrassed... - 小寒* 06/30/08 (145)
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