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You still don't get it.
送交者: qm 2008月10月26日08:25:43 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 你是個小人白字秀才 於 2008-10-25 12:39:19
You still don't get it. You want "fact", that's what Yang want. Yang and his lawyer want's to save his life and they have no obligation to make you happy. For their best interest, Yang's lawyer use the insanity defense which is Yang's only hope.

I like to known the facts as much as you. But I don't blame Yang's lawyer doing what's best for his client.

I don't think Yang should be executed. I am in favor of abolishing death penalty, particularly in China.
  If insanity is so usefull, - 白字秀才 10/27/08 (202)
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