Well, let's face it. 洋垃圾 is bad to many people, that's true; but the point is the meaning of the word we are dealing with. If you only use the word "洋" to mean something from the outside of china, then we have "番",“蛮”,“外”etc. At the same time, you have to admit that some words are used regardless of its connotation. For example, a tomato can be called "番茄" or “洋柿子”both, right? Which connotes more of what you called "崇洋媚外"呢?And also the phrase "崇洋媚外" itself is one of the many words which are heavily loaded with the connotation from the time of china's cultural revolution age - if you are old enough to know it. Thank you for quoting the long text to prove your point. But you missed it entirely. The reality can be quite different from what people intended and i totally agree with you - only that is NOT our point of argument here.
Hope this helps.