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Well, tell me the difference
送交者: 空军大院 2009月01月31日13:23:14 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 请看《现代汉语词典 - 汉英双语》的解释并瓦 于 2009-01-31 12:39:30
If you say 洋人 is exactly the same as the word of a foreigner and does not connotes anything else, then please tell me the difference for 洋人 and 老外 and 番人 each. And also when you quote the 《现代汉语词典 - 汉英双语》for your argument while ignoring the real, daily use of the word by the public, does it also imply that you are "崇拜权威"?

Every adjective - since it is a modifier - must be either derogatory, respectful or neutral. When "洋" is used to describe something foreign, which attribute of the three is used most if not generic? To me it is very clear.

Hope this helps.
    agree - 空军大院 01/31/09 (294)
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