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我想可以把 deed 譯成 '地得'
送交者: 要飯花子 2009月03月29日16:13:01 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 答言:"把Deed翻譯成“房契”可是英語水平問題呀!"笪緱 於 2009-03-29 13:09:04
if you ask an average American (who is not a real estate agent, a home/land owner or an attorny) likely he or she would not understand exactly what it is in the context of real estate. They still need to go back to the definition/explanations to find out its meaning. Moreover there is, in china, no identical thing like what we have in America in terms of real estate transfer, and hence there is no identical word in Chinese. Therefore it's an invalid example for the purpose of comparing English and Chinese. I would like to see Mr. Yan give a valid argument why a language of 1200 syllables is inferior to a language of 8000 syllables.
  “邸遞”? /無內容 - 空軍大院 03/29/09 (216)
    you sound rich, ha - 要飯花子 03/29/09 (188)
  To put correctly we need - 空軍大院 03/29/09 (227)
    haha, 房契 is good  /無內容 - 要飯花子 03/29/09 (254)
      哈哈,開個玩笑.不過其實沒必要發明新詞,房契也好 - 海涼粉 03/29/09 (188)
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