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送交者: abc55 2009月04月18日00:04:26 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 言真轻: I think, therefore I am in ...言真轻 于 2009-04-17 23:00:19
The Europeans who were born in the dark ages were speaking/writing in non-Chinese, but they didn’t still have any invention at all for almost 1500 years because of their corrupted and conservative/religious constitutions. The creativity of the Europeans flourished during and after the Renaissance because of the progressive and open-minded/civilized constitutions. If the language decides the creativity of a nation, how can you explain the tremendous differences in creativity between the dark ages and the afterward in the European history?

The Chinese constitutions were, are and will be the hindrance of the creativity
of the Chinese civilization. Several Chinese Americans won the Nobel Prizes,
but their mother tongues are Chinese. History and facts have proved again
and again: if a baby is born in a Chinese family and speaks/writes in Chinese,
then the possibility still exists that he/she one day may become a Nobel Prize
winner if he/she has his/her education/job in the western culture in the
U.S. or in Europe. However, the chance of a person becoming a Nobel Prize winner is absolutely zero if he/she is born in a American family and speaks/writes in English but has his/her education/job in the Chinese culture in China.

Conclusion: Creativity has nothing to do with language, but has everything to do with the political constitution.
    Thank you for your comment. - abc55 04/18/09 (396)
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