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ZT飞星:you're confusing
送交者: 并瓦 2009月04月22日09:32:01 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 楼下给定理君的回贴供你和并瓦参考。littelfat 于 2009-04-22 07:06:52
You're confusing

送交者: 飞星 2009月04月21日23:52:34 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

回 答:中英文对比总结:Example for aa88 由 空军大院 于2009-04-21 16:43:18

symbolic logic with English language.

Those logic symbols ^ v ~ ()etc, are not parts of the English in daily use. These symbols are more like mathematical symbols. Any natural languages, English and Chinese included, will have hard time translating the parenthesis contents, especially those within the nested parentheses, into clear and concise natural language expression in one breath.

If an English expression can be translated into a series of symbolic expression with the help of those specialized logic symbols ^ v ~ (), plus characters such as ABCD to represent English names and terms, so can a modern Chinese expression. I don't see why Chinese names and terms can't be represented by such characters as 甲乙丙丁 in place of ABCD, and then carry out the symbolic manipulation, as long as those essential logic symbols ^ v ~ ()are in the right place.

Symbolic logic expression =/= English, or French, or any other language, just as a mathematical expression such as 12+(5^3-4)/6 does not belong to any particular language. Symbolic expressions and mathematical expressions are languages in their own right, quite different from other natural languages. They are scientific languages, or "unnatural" languages, because no human being speak in this way.

In English,those words "and", "or","not", "any", "all", "unless", "if", "if not", "then", "if and only if", etc are represented with symbols " ^ v ~. Ex " etc, I don't see why the Chinese counterparts of those terms “与”,“或”,“非”,“任何”,“全部”,“除非”,“如果”,“如非”,“那么”etc, can't be represented with those same set of logic symbols.

I see a total equivalence there. If an English sentence can be written in symbolic terms, so can a Chinese sentence.



送交者: 并瓦 2009月04月21日22:57:55 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

回 答:Have u ever seen anything like 由 stinger 于2009-04-21 22:34:49





      You are wrong. Symbolic - littelfat 04/22/09 (349)
        那你和别人沟通时是不是得带个笔和本子,否则用口你们能交流吗?  /无内容 - 并瓦 04/22/09 (286)
          I know how to distinguish btw - littelfat 04/22/09 (279)
        For that matter, it can be - littelfat 04/22/09 (353)
            英文自己能做到吗? - littelfat 04/22/09 (360)
              中文对逻辑符号又“生硬”了?你这不是戴有色眼镜看问题吗? - 并瓦 04/22/09 (304)
                这就是形式化语言的有点啊。要是没个逻辑表达 - littelfat 04/22/09 (324)
                  所以阿,大院要求翻译成中文,是不是可以说扯淡呢?  /无内容 - 并瓦 04/22/09 (306)
                    若要翻译,中文肯定比英文更累赘和生硬, - littelfat 04/22/09 (241)
                  没个 == 每个  /无内容 - littelfat 04/22/09 (210)
              没一个 ==每一个  /无内容 - littelfat 04/22/09 (285)
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