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送交者: pseudo_regexp 2009月04月28日07:41:22 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 從“革命”一詞看中文思維之狹隘邏輯 於 2009-04-28 06:53:53
In most of the common compound words such as “改革”,“革新”,“變革”, "革" is
obviously associated with "change" and "renovation", while "removal" is the less
common and older interpretation.
Also there are many phrases in Chinese to suggest that 革命 is not necessarily violence related.
For example, 工業革命,農業革命,技術革命,暴力革命,非暴力革命,etc.
Any educated Chinese with common sense would understand that 革命 is not equivalent to "take life".

English doesn't even have a word for the concept of 革命 --- "revolution" is a loan
word whose orgininal meaning is 旋轉。So English speakers all consider 革命 and
旋轉 the same?
  Very strong argument. 頂! - 飛星 04/28/09 (173)
    “革命”並不是老毛的專利。沒聽說過“辛亥革命”?  /無內容 - 飛星 04/28/09 (217)
      辛亥革命死多少人?老毛的革命死多少人?  /無內容 - 邏輯 04/28/09 (204)
        What's your point? - 飛星 04/28/09 (184)
          羅傻子,被言嫂利用,甘做擋箭牌,只可惜智商和水平 - 並瓦 04/28/09 (131)
    你這弱智,這麼訓練你你也成不了人,狗還是狗  /無內容 - 丑腳丫 04/28/09 (170)
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