哥們,別總來大概其,毛澤東給林彪的信中提到的幾百萬,那是嚇唬鬼子的。二百萬也是幾百萬,九百萬也是幾百萬。說你不嚴謹,你還不高興。我的根據是從網上多處SERACH到的。見: Rising for Peace: 80 Years of China's People's Liberation Army 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 In recent years as the PLA continues to get better equipped and more efficient, it is becoming smaller in size. Following a downsizing of one million soldiers in the 1980s, its overall size was further reduced by another half a million personnel between 1997 and 2000. And from 2003-2005, the army has been further reduced by 200,000 troops, bringing the total PLA strength these days to 2.3 million. 。。。。 1950’ 1960’ 1970’ 1980’ 1997-2000 2003-2005 ? ? 4.0million 3.0 million 2.5 million 2.3million 解放初,為了迎接新中國的建設,部隊大批的復員。後有朝鮮戰爭兵員超過4百萬,當時的財政預算大部分都被軍費吃了。第一個五年計劃,百廢待興,從蘇聯引進了156 個大型項目。還要建設海軍,空軍,還要還朝戰借蘇聯的錢。而當時中國的資源能用來還貸的只有農產品。若你是當家的,這個家怎麼當?毫無疑問,消減軍隊人樹。所以,最多時也就四百萬,即使是文革時,林彪擴軍是也沒有多多少。何時有過八百萬?八百萬的數字,中國到是用過,那時六十年代,三年自然災害時,台島那邊的蔣先生似乎覺得此時是可乘之機,叫囂要反攻大陸。解放軍報的社論“八百萬蔣軍的復滅”,警告那邊別蠢蠢欲動。先生,別把蔣軍當我軍。