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送交者: 三把刀 2011年05月26日06:01:36 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话

伊斯兰堡,巴基斯坦— 按照约定,中国将立即为巴基斯坦提供50架枭龙(巴基斯坦人称为JF-17)战斗机, 这是巴基斯坦总理Yousaf Raza Gilani这周访问北京的主要成果,巴基斯坦官员们星期四说道。
[–]boomer56 104 points 13 hours ago*
Also, an attack on Pakistan is an attack on China.
Edit: The more I think about this, the more incredible this policy change becomes...China guaranteeing Pakistani security? What is India thinking tonight?


Isentrope 18 points 9 hours ago
It's not really much of a policy change and India has known this for a long while. Pakistan and China have very strong relations with one another and China has openly sent material and weapons to Pakistan to aid in fighting India.


[–]ashray 12 points 7 hours ago
Including Nukes. This was alleged for a long time but recently confirmed based on some de-classification. The Wikipedia article on it has this info:


[–]princeton_cuppa 4 points 3 hours ago
exactly, pak nukes = made in china pak exists because of hatred of india which china feeds since it hates India/US/Japan - practically anything which can potentially kicks China's butt.


Isentrope 1 point 19 seconds ago
China's hatred for India stems from when they had a hardline Prime Minister in the late '50s early '60s (Nehru I think? Not sure about that). Prior to this the two countries actually had extremely good relations, but the political shift occurred after Tibet was occupied by the PLA; prior to that, one of the intentions of having Tibet be independent in the first place was to act as a buffer between China and India the same way Nepal and Bhutan function.
Chinese hatred for Japan is pretty self explanatory, and Chinese hatred for the US has died down in recent years out of more of a desire to emulate the US' success.



petewilko 38 points 11 hours ago
Nothing new, India and China continue to have issues with each other. Anytime you hear of some military airplanes India acquires, usually you'll find its range is able of a round trip to Beijing.


[–]itcouldbe 34 points 10 hours ago
The PRC seems to have issues with all its neighbors.


[–]gsfgf 14 points 4 hours ago
It's between Russia and India. Anyone would have neighbor issues.


[–]Tornado54 3 points 2 hours ago
Really? why would anyone have issues with India again?


[–]314R8 3 points 2 hours ago
and what about Taiwan, Japan, Korea, phillipines etc? How come China has issues with all of them? (I can see the historic issue with Japan, but what about the others?)
Maybe China does not like it's democratic neighbors? or the problem IS China


[–]ofisnothavedamnit 3 points 53 minutes ago
Issues with Taiwan are no surprise really. The guy who Mao drove out to make modern China retreated to Taiwan and the rest of the world defended him there. Not only that, but PRC wasn't recognized as a country for a long period of time by US and Europe and instead the government in Taiwan was recognized as a the Chinese government. There is a lot of history to Chinese relations with its neighbors and it is definitely not an issue of China just blindly hating democracies. After all, Pakistan is technically a democracy and borders China and they seem to have pretty amicable relations.
By the way, I am not taking sides on any of those conflicts. They were all pretty complicated.


[–]314R8 1 point 20 minutes ago
Pakistan's only China border is via Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. But yes, China has good relations with one of its neighbors - Pakistan. Yippee


[–]timoleon 5 points 3 days ago
I'd be more concerned with the price Pakistan will have to pay for such diplomatic niceties. More territorial concessions perhaps?


[–]spoonybard326 19 points 3 days ago
I'm guessing the price they paid has something to do with pictures of helicopter wreckage.


[–]nibblerslitterbox 11 points 3 days ago
Pictures, pieces, whole parts. Bingo.


[–]Druuseph 8 points 3 days ago
To be honest the helicopter is not really that important. The modifications to it were simply noise reducing, it's unlikely there was any kind of radar shielding besides a smoothed nose. It was more than likely nothing more than a Navy version of a Black Hawk with the tail replaced, it's not some super futuristic death-copter and as shown the modifications weren't exactly the best considering the damn thing lost balance when it went to hover. I know a few engineers who work for Sikorsky and when they were looking at that tail they nearly fell out of their chair wondering who though that was a good idea. A fifth blade and a covering on the middle completely changes the stabilizing capacity, it's not optimal for that body. If they really wanted a 'stealth' helicopter they should have looked into creating something similar to the Comanche which has a covered fan that provides more torque while reducing noise.
Now what they might want is the avionics that may have survived the explosion, that is true, but the 'stealth' tech is not nearly as high tech or incredible as it's being made out to be.



[–]recycle_bin 1 point 3 days ago
The skin likely had the latest stealthy paint in the US arsenal since this was a very new and still classified helicopter. Paint chips are probably the most important piece of the helicopter to China since it could advance their stealth program and perhaps lead to developing countermeasures to detect US stealth planes. The stealthy shape of the helicopter could be recreated in house in little time, but the R&D behind the paint could bring their stealth forward a decade or more from where they are today.



[–]p3on 0 points 2 days ago
i can literally guarantee that the helicopters did not have stealth paint. they flew into pakistan literally under the radar. they were entirely undetectable by radar to begin with.permalinkparent


[–]p3on 0 points 2 days ago
radar literally does not detect anything below about 2-300 feet, even in flat terrain (which abottabad is not)




haphapablap 11 points 3 days ago
(China Gives Pakistan 50 Fighter Jets). What a dishonest title. From the article "China and Pakistan have jointly produced the JF-17 aircraft" JOINTLY PRODUCING is not one side GIVING something to another.



[–]Vnotforvendetta 5 points 3 days ago
it is when china is paying for/manufacturing these particular 50 fighters



[–]n99bJedi 13 points 3 days ago
Pakistan didn't paid for it, China paid for them. and they are under Pak control... so yes, that would conclude to the title "China gives Pak 50 Fighter Jets". China's technology is far superior than Pak (if that even exists on a global level).
This can be easily explained by this analogy -
Tom and Dick jointly made cookies. Tom bought the dough, the sugar, the syrup, the chips the bowls, template cutters etc. He then also brought his mommas secret recipe that is known to only his family, to his backyard. Only a few other people in this world can make those special cookies like his mothers favorite cookies. Dick on the other hand, came. Tom then went ahead and followed the recipe. Tom and Dick both 'made' cookies, and then Tom gave them to Dick to take them home.



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