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It doesn't help at all
送交者: 言真輕 2009月02月06日11:55:43 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Language is the evil of all空軍大院 於 2009-02-06 11:29:55
Whatever God you are having in your mind, HE can not guide me anything in searching truth. No matter what GOD peoples are believing,HE has no time or no interest to take care any of us on earth. In this sense, GOD is GOD, no one should speak for HIM, or I will say these are human words.

language is the evil of all in this sense and we have to figure out things through it. It is a sad thing.
  Try a bit harder pls - 空軍大院 02/06/09 (270)
    I hope so! - 言真輕 02/06/09 (227)
      You have reached such a level - 空軍大院 02/06/09 (217)
        The irrelevancy makes me nuts. - 言真輕 02/06/09 (225)
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