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Just because he quoted from
送交者: 全伊 2009月03月02日09:17:45 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Outline of Hitler's book槓桿 於 2009-03-02 09:04:44
the bible does not mean he is not influenced by the evolutionary theory. Your post actually shows exactly the opposte of what you tried insinuate.

>Weakness of the half-baked
>Nature is quite unbending, which means: Victory of the
>stronger whose strength or will gives him a greater claim to victory

>Privilege through strength the basis of all Nature
>The prerequisite of the world's existence.

>the man of genius in tune with nature does not try to test this law
>which also informs his own ideas about the world
>but performs all his actions in accordance with it.

Does that sound like survival of the fittest through natural selection? Where does it come from? The Bible ? Given my a break lah
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