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You are indeed 好吃懶做想發財
送交者: qm 2008月08月08日10:13:48 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 你是想 get killed?Ynima 於 2008-08-08 09:00:13
I wonder why do you want to kill the fucking professor you don't like. There are many many nondemanding professors you can choose. The fucking pushing professor doesn't hold a gun on your head to force you to work. This is a free country. You don't have to work if you don't want to (see those homeless people on the street).

The reality is, some one will take your place, work hard and succeed. There is nothing wrong for you to want a easy life like most people. Just one thing: successful scientists are not "most people".
  60 hr /week is illegal and - Ynima 08/08/08 (283)
    Nonsense - qm 08/08/08 (203)
      Nonsense? - Ynima 08/08/08 (167)
        So walk away - qm 08/08/08 (121)
      lots of job require 12 hr/day - qm 08/08/08 (142)
        You are too slow to learn - Ynima 08/08/08 (182)
          你好吃懶做還真的發了財? - qm 08/08/08 (142)
    孩子,你不是說你要殺人嗎?你這可是犯法的!  /無內容 - gongyou 08/08/08 (179)
      你丫創意極好,就是產出速度太慢,造謠也挺不容易的  /無內容 - Ynima 08/08/08 (206)
        嗯,你現在知道自己有暴力傾向了,以後要注意。  /無內容 - gongyou 08/08/08 (146)
          共匪五毛: Be careful with FBI  /無內容 - Ynima 08/08/08 (98)
        嗯,你現在知道自己有暴力傾向了,以後要注意。  /無內容 - gongyou 08/08/08 (167)
          共匪五毛: Be careful with FBI  /無內容 - Ynima 08/08/08 (162)
            嗯,怪不得你老是擔心人家要抓你呢。  /無內容 - gongyou 08/08/08 (150)
              共匪五毛: Be careful with FBI  /無內容 - Ynima 08/08/08 (122)
                你可要當心哪。  /無內容 - gongyou 08/08/08 (119)
                  共匪五毛gongyou搞笑  /無內容 - Ynima 08/08/08 (129)
                    Ynima 語錄:“殺地痞教授是天經地義的”  /無內容 - gongyou 08/08/08 (133)
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