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c does not necessarily exists in existing domain.
送交者: rednose 2008月07月03日11:37:35 于 [灵机一动] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 谢谢建议,你建议的书,我弄不到,读了别的书,谈谈想法西线晨雾 于 2008-07-03 07:45:12
I have untouched pure math for 15 years. Real number theory is foundamental for people to do modern math. Try to understand the concept first. I can say that 50% of math undergraduates can not understand it complately even after they have graduated. You have to change the way you are thinking about.

Maybe I was missing some thing.
Sequence an is cauchy if |an -am| < e for all n, m > some N.
A real number is a class of rational sequences. In the new domain of real number, a rational number A is now (or equivalent to) a constant sequence {A, A, A, ..., A, A, ....} which can be denoted by A (now A is a notation for the rational number A), and it is always a cauchy sequence. Abstract? What does it mean by "embedding" in algebraic structure?

Usually, there are 8-10 basic theorems. You can start any one to prove all others.

Math students should learn it. However, other students do not need to learn it.

That book covers every aspect and all kind of definitions (they are all equivalent).

Natural number is created by God, but all others by human being, especially, by mathematician.
  a little correction - rednose 07/03/08 (473)
      they are in the same class - rednose 07/05/08 (450)
        避开收敛概念,一般的有理柯西序列比较大小很困难 - 西线晨雾 07/05/08 (444)
          大小关系(order)可由其它运算导出。而运算是代数 - rednose 07/05/08 (464)
            回避收敛概念,一般有理柯西序列不可能简单比较大小 - 西线晨雾 07/05/08 (514)
              我上面的对一般情况不行 - rednose 07/05/08 (440)
                谢谢,如果能搞到《古今数学思想》一定阅读  /无内容 - 西线晨雾 07/06/08 (384)
              that is Ok, I think. - rednose 07/05/08 (428)
                看看一般有理柯西序列定义无理数需要多少手脚 - 西线晨雾 07/06/08 (485)
                  柯西收敛准则与序列收敛在有理数域不等价 - rednose 07/06/08 (477)
                    很正确,但在实数域里就等价了  /无内容 - 西线晨雾 07/06/08 (398)
                      bingo!  /无内容 - rednose 07/07/08 (370)
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