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送交者: mean 2009月01月15日12:34:40 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 你說沒有那是你說,思齊 於 2009-01-15 10:02:26
is a totally and completely pagan idea, specifically indo-aryan. chinese concept of reincarnation is hinduistic and different from most other concepts of reincarnation in the world.

if you read the bible closely, you\'d see that ancient israelites doesn\'t put alot of emphasis on the afterlife. in fact, shoel is usually as far as they go, although as you read on they did occasionally imply a spiritual world after death in the old testament. Jesus\'s teachings did shed a little more light but he did not address reincarnation either.

which would be strange, since an important concept such as reincarnation, if it were true, would fundamentally alter our world view, our theology, even as as fundamental as the salvation plan itself.

yet we do not see that at all. the emphasis of salvation is on this life, whether there is salvation after death goes completely unanswered, and I\'d say there\'s implication that there is no second chance (in a reincarnated life) after the current life is over.

if you want to be prudent, do not succumb to the concept of reincarnation, knowing that it\'s a pagan concept and has no role in christianity.
  在我看來, - 思齊 01/15/09 (480)
    跟 前千禧年/後千禧年/無千禧年 - Yuehanmiao 01/15/09 (436)
        獎善罰惡 is not a pagan idea - mean 01/16/09 (376)
          點燈與放火  /無內容 - 思齊 01/16/09 (372)
            tell me then - mean 01/16/09 (361)
              你能在聖經里找到reincarnation的依據 - 思齊 01/16/09 (331)
                give me the verse and prove it - mean 01/16/09 (299)
                  這又回到了從前的辯論 - 思齊 01/16/09 (225)
        獎善罰惡, the KEY is NOUN (ZHUYU) - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (283)
  you guys, no-war-peace-lovers - Yuehanmiao 01/15/09 (301)
    better than you guys - mean 01/16/09 (286)
  REINCARNATION, a pagan concept - Yuehanmiao 01/15/09 (284)
    誰說如果有REINCARNATION就不需要耶穌了? - 思齊 01/15/09 (271)
      唯一的道路 is set because - Yuehanmiao 01/15/09 (236)
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