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送交者: littelfat 2009月04月22日07:06:52 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 空軍,及眾各位來看aa88 於 2009-04-21 22:56:37
It's not whether the Chinese language is capable of symbolic or formal derivations. To that end, any language systems can potentially introduce a set of symbols, if needs be. And the symbols can simply be the characters from the very same language. As a matter of fact, I believe by now, under the heavy influence of western culture, all major forms of human languages have been made to connect with symbolic reasoning using symbolic tools as part of their "own" languages.

But so what ?

The fact is the very form and format of the Chinese language is not conducive to generating the symbolic language spontaneously and automatically on its own.

I think history has clearly demonstarted that. The very fact that you are using partial
symbolic language only after (not before) you have been educated within the western cultural system (be it math, science or whatever) only serves to attest the truth of that statement.
  ZT飛星:you're confusing - 並瓦 04/22/09 (380)
    你轉的文章似乎是作證我的觀點嗎。再仔細想想,嘿嘿。  /無內容 - littelfat 04/22/09 (308)
        You are wrong. Symbolic - littelfat 04/22/09 (349)
          那你和別人溝通時是不是得帶個筆和本子,否則用口你們能交流嗎?  /無內容 - 並瓦 04/22/09 (286)
            英文句子應該是不論書面和口頭的都差不多的,大院的那個能嗎? - 並瓦 04/22/09 (268)
            I know how to distinguish btw - littelfat 04/22/09 (279)
          For that matter, it can be - littelfat 04/22/09 (353)
            有英文字母的式子=英文句子?你要是這麼忽悠,沒啥必要再爭下去 - 並瓦 04/22/09 (396)
              英文自己能做到嗎? - littelfat 04/22/09 (360)
                中文對邏輯符號又“生硬”了?你這不是戴有色眼鏡看問題嗎? - 並瓦 04/22/09 (304)
                  這就是形式化語言的有點啊。要是沒個邏輯表達 - littelfat 04/22/09 (324)
                    所以阿,大院要求翻譯成中文,是不是可以說扯淡呢?  /無內容 - 並瓦 04/22/09 (306)
                      若要翻譯,中文肯定比英文更累贅和生硬, - littelfat 04/22/09 (241)
                    沒個 == 每個  /無內容 - littelfat 04/22/09 (210)
                沒一個 ==每一個  /無內容 - littelfat 04/22/09 (285)
  Excellent! /無內容 - 空軍大院 04/22/09 (221)
    Thanks. 猩猩相惜,狗熊所見略同啊。 - littelfat 04/22/09 (212)
    符號體系只是外在的表現形式。更重要的是 - littelfat 04/22/09 (455)
      very sharp!  /無內容 - 空軍大院 04/22/09 (289)
        有拉幫結派之嫌。瓜田李下,還是。。。Thanks!  /無內容 - littelfat 04/22/09 (250)
      如蘋果掉在任何一中國人頭上,他會吃掉它然後原地等下一個!  /無內容 - 言真輕 04/22/09 (272)
        Ha...ha...your humor kills me!  /無內容 - 空軍大院 04/22/09 (207)
        你根本不理解這個比喻後面的深刻寓意,嘿嘿。 - littelfat 04/22/09 (220)
        要是砸在全伊的頭上,嘿嘿 - reck 04/22/09 (439)
          他好像已經下崗了。呵呵。  /無內容 - littelfat 04/22/09 (385)
            一個下崗的人說出來的話你能信嗎? - reck 04/22/09 (345)
              牛人往往與世格格不入啊。  /無內容 - littelfat 04/22/09 (294)
                豬人也一樣  /無內容 - reck 04/22/09 (332)
                  that's a good one, haha  /無內容 - littelfat 04/22/09 (290)
      定為 == 定位  /無內容 - littelfat 04/22/09 (212)
  重寫 - littelfat 04/22/09 (268)
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